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Working Safely. Working Efficiently. Minimizing Production Costs.

For nearly 200 years, Austin Powder Company has been in the business of helping customers break rock safely and efficiently. Our long history reflects the continuous development of new, safer, and more reliable blasting products, and innovative technologies that allow us to serve pipeline operations throughout the world.

Without proper drilling and blasting, the pipeline industry would be virtually incapable of delivering today’s demand for Oil & Natural Gas to homes and businesses.

Our commitment to the industry begins with our commitment to safety. We employ certified blasters, utilize state-of-the-art delivery systems, and deliver the safest and highest quality products and services. We also place great importance on environmental concerns, minimizing or eliminating any ecological impacts.

Blast Optimization

Every pipeline site presents unique topography with each stage of the process bringing different requirements, and every day may offer new conditions. Getting the right sized rock by minimizing oversize is the goal, no matter the changing conditions.

At Austin, we begin by helping our customers choose the right product for each specific application. Products such as Austin Powder’s Dual Delay Detonators, E-STAR® Detonators, Emulsion, NG Based Stick Powder, Trench Prime Boosters and Trenchpro™ Pumpable Explosive are critical – not only to achieve maximum environmental control but also for the best fragmentation results possible. This attention to detail in all we do results in significant trench cost savings.

Advantages of High-Energy Pumpable Explosives:

  1. Bulk loading from track vehicle or pump truck—go anywhere
  2. Computerized product loading system
  3. Minimal work crew required
  4. Smart use of explosives
  5. Fills hole diameter completely and without gaps regardless of variations in hole diameters
  6. Boreholes primed with reliable high-energy cast boosters
  7. Excellent water resistance
  8. Environmentally responsible
  • Red Check Mark

    Computerized Product Loading System

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    Reliable High-Energy Cast Boosters

  • Red Check Mark

    Excellent Water Resistance

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    Environmentally Responsible




We are a traditional manufacturer of initiation systems for industrial blasting operations and an important technological and research base for production and further development of initiation systems.

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Austin Powder Service CZ implements the latest technologies and products for blasting works, such as laser profiling, electronic modeling, and electronic detonators.

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